Name:Alexis Age:21 Gender:Male Location:Peiraius GMT:+2 Daily playing hours in game:+2 hours
Char Name:Earendor Class:Iss Enchanter Level:87 (Subclass):No (Noblesse):No Previous clans in Bartz:Forward Lineage2 Experience:Paizw 10 xronia peripou me polla diastimata You use Teamspeak 3?:Yes Why you want to join Silent-Killers:Finding CP group,playing game with others,socialize with others... Can anyone in our clan vouch for you:I think no..
How many hours u play per day? "Daily playing hours in game:+2 hours" ... wtf this mean? Be more specific about your activity, daily gameplay..
We need people who play many hours in daily basis.. 1-2 hours per day is not enough at all for our gameplay/gamestyle.. Inform us more about your activity..
*Registration in forum is approved only for clan members.. Since there is not any decision yet for your application, all registrations u made were being deleted.
Pollx -theANGELcore-
Posts : 56 Join date : 2012-02-23
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Subject: Re: Application Wed May 30, 2012 3:36 am
You need to tell us how many hours you play per day not the timezone.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Application Wed May 30, 2012 6:43 am
I think Alexis meant that he plays 2 or more hours per that correct, Alexis?
Alex7 Guest
Subject: 2+ hours means.. Wed May 30, 2012 7:10 am
I meant i play at least 2 hours per day...if clan is good i havent any problem to play more...but if there isnt activity why should i stay more online???
DomenicA -SUBLeader-
Posts : 43 Join date : 2012-02-26
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Subject: Re: Application Wed May 30, 2012 8:05 am
2+ is correct, not +2 :P
What-ever, i will agree with Pollx/Nemesis, this activity is not enough, nowadays its necessary 4+ to complete all daily's and lvl up asap.
Pollx -theANGELcore-
Posts : 56 Join date : 2012-02-23
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Subject: Re: Application Wed May 30, 2012 8:55 am
If you can play more hours then you have a + from me.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Application Wed May 30, 2012 1:55 pm
If you want to overcome the fucking 87 lvl which is very hard, then you must play more hours... I never managed to do all my dailys in less than 3 hours... More gaming hours is definately necessary!!!
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Application Wed May 30, 2012 3:40 pm
2+ hours per day is a good starting point. + from me.